Additional points of information:
- Meet & Greet Expo will be held the evening of October 17th
- Training events are scheduled between 8:00am - 5:00pm on October 18th & 19th
- Additional networking events will be held in the evenings of October 18th & 19th
- Hotel parking is free (1 standard vehicle per room)
- Remember to bring your agency tax exempt forms to hotel
If paying by check, mail payment to:
ATTN: Drew Kimble
7 DesCombes Dr
Broomfield, CO 80020
Make all checks payable to Colorado Crime Analysis Association.
Registrants must include full name, agency, and email address along with check.
ATTN: Drew Kimble
7 DesCombes Dr
Broomfield, CO 80020
Make all checks payable to Colorado Crime Analysis Association.
Registrants must include full name, agency, and email address along with check.